Our Summer contest is in full swing so be sure to take a creative photo wearing your Elliott Orthodontics t-shirt! Post your photo on our Facebook page (include your name and where you are in the photo) or email your photo entry to us and we’ll post it for you. Our email is info@elliottorthodontics.com. Photo entries accepted until September 4th.
The top 10 creative photos will be placed in a drawing for a chance to win a family fun night prize worth $100 (a $50 restaurant gift card and a $50 Cinemagic gift card). How will we decide the 10 most creative photos you ask? The 10 photos with the most “likes” will help us determine the favorites! Have a fun, safe Summer and don’t forget to wear your Elliott Orthodontics t-shirt while doing it. Please call us at 603-424-1199 if you don’t currently own one of our t-shirts and want one.